Hello! Another project, and this time with teams! Okay so this project is a sitcom, and my team is
Jasmine and
Leilia. We decided to do a high school musical spoof, it's a spoof because we wanted to show that high school isn't what it looks like in movies. High school is stressful! VERY STRESSFUL so were showing students stressing in high school in a funny way.
Our message is to entertain our audience. My team, and I are making a sitcom, our sitcom will be a high school musical spoof. We want to show that school really isn't like how they portrey in the movies, school well, is stressful. Our plan is to have our actors get stressed out together and randomly break into songs (which will of course be parodies)

My team has faced many challenges with this project, we had a hard time coming up with an idea, weren't able to film, and missed our filming deadline. Our overall biggest problem was getting permission from the high school to use their campus and after asking the high school we tried the elementary school, and they declined us too. We ended up missing our filming deadline, but we asked our public library and were able to film there! Unfortunately we only got half of our B-roll and it wasn't enough to make a story out of.