Friday, October 23, 2015

Cracking the code

Hello everyone! Im back from fall break, a new quarter and a new project! We are focusing on coding while we are going to be doing our group project, but i'll get into that later. So one of the questions Mr. Sanderl asked was "Do you think everyone should learn to code & why?" I think that it is very important to learn how to code because it is used in our everyday life, almost every device has a small computer chip that is coded to make that device work. Although coding is not for everyone. If you are interested in learning coding check out it has a whole bunch of different lessons to learn from! I am excited to learn more about coding because I think it will be very useful and maybe I will get good at it and make a career out of it.

My first experience with coding was a bit difficult, it took a lot of focus to learn where to put the blocks. I am really glad that I learned because if I wanted to I could possibly make a career out of it! The first time coding is going to be hard so if you're going to try it out you should keep that in mind. I enjoy coding honestly, it's definitely getting more and more difficult to do but it's fun! I hope that I can continue to do well in coding.

If I could produce a program it would be an amazing experience, I would make an app that would work as kind of a personal assistant. You would be able to schedule anything and have this "assistant" remember all of the information you gave it. The assistant would be similar to Siri but would remember everything and help you solve your daily problems. I know that producing an app like this would be incredibly difficult but if I have do decide to try I would hire someone to help out. My app would not cost a lot of money, the most it would cost would probably be $2.00. I'm all about cheap apps, I mean who wants to spend $5.99 on an app you might not even like, so I would have a free demo that you could download to make sure it's worth the investment.

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